Are Copper Pyramids Worth It?
copper pyramids 101
Have you seen copper pyramids where people put their magical items under these wire pyramids and wondered if it's something that you need in your spiritual toolbox?
I've been experimenting over here to see if they work. We'll get to that in a bit, but here's what you need to know about pyramids.
Do Pyramids Have Special Powers?
With pyramids, we start with the square base that is a stable foundation. The four sides of the pyramid represent the four elements and the four directions.
The sides, the triangle parts that meet at the point, represent the triplicate consciousness such as the Father, Son, Holy Spirit or Mind, Body, Spirit.
Pyramids have been found worldwide from Egypt, China, Mexico, Peru, Rome, Chile, and more.
There are many theories on the pyramids from being built as a tomb, for religious purposes, as power plants.
We all know about the pyramids in Egypt, and while I know I was taught that they were big old tombs and nothing more, I've changed my thinking that they weren't really tombs at all.
The latest thing that I've read about pyramids is that the ancient Egyptians thought pyramids drawdown and magnify energy.
Properties of Copper
Copper and Iron are essential nutrients for the body. Copper specifically enables our bodies to form red blood cells and also plays a role in metabolic functions.
We get copper through our diet (by eating beans, spinach, whole grains, shiitake mushrooms, oysters, lobster, dark chocolate, and beef liver).
For thousands of years, copper has been used as a healing mineral. Placed upon the skin to heal wounds, increase blood circulation, ease stiff joints, and increase energy.
It's also been praised for helping to enhance psychic abilities.
We also know that copper is a natural conductor of energy. We know in the non-woo-woo world that copper is a conductor of heat and electricity.
To imagine that electricity and heat are the only energies that copper can conduct seems limited to me. Metaphysical practitioners, like myself, believe that it amplifies thoughts and energy.
Knowing the power of the pyramid shape and the conductivity of copper seems like a copper pyramid makes for the perfect tool to charge the items within its boundaries.
What Are Copper Pyramid Benefits?
From my research, I may have found that there are many benefits to working with copper pyramids such as:
Increased energy
Enhanced focus
Quicker plant growth
Stress reduction
Enhanced crystal charging
Energy infusion for essential oils, crystal healing jewelry, and tarot cards
I'm sure you may find all sorts of other uses once you try working with your own copper pyramid.
My Copper Pyramid Experiment
For a month, I have placed some tools of mine underneath a copper pyramid. This is my first copper pyramid, so I had no expectations of what I would find.
My most used spiritual tools are crystals and tarot cards. I've got tons of tarot card decks. Each Tarot deck that I work with regularly has a crystal, usually a crystal from the quartz family, placed on top of it when the deck is not in use.
I've noticed that my tarot cards, hanging out inside this copper pyramid, seem to be very clear when I've been doing readings inside the Starseed Collective.
That could be chalked up to me being in tune with the energy of this deck. Or could it be that the Tarot deck has been energized by the pyramid making it easier to connect the energies of my subconscious with the deck?
Lest I let that be the final answer, I got out my handy dandy dowsing rods to measure the energy between the copper pyramid/tarot deck/crystal combo and my tarot deck/crystal combo.
What I saw with the energy torus via my dowsing rods shocked me.
The energy torus for my copper pyramid/tarot deck/crystal combo was double the size of the torus of my tarot deck/crystal combo.
Do Copper Pyramids Work?
I have to say, from my experience, yes, if you're looking to amplify energy, whether for your crystals, tarot cards, or your crystal grid, you may want to invest in a copper pyramid grid to add to your spiritual toolbox.
It's such an easy tool to incorporate into your life that it would seem silly not to.
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