Are Tarot Cards Evil?
I am the first to admit that I was scared to work with tarot cards. Like so many people, I had my view on them colored by my religion and was terrified of using them.
But I couldn't stop wondering about them and working with them, asking myself, "are tarot cards evil?"
I was raised in a home where I went to church with what I called the Jeopardy Champion Teens of the Bible in 8th grade. When I got there, I only had a King James Bible that I couldn't understand. And in our teen classes, I couldn't answer a question about the Bible to save my life, even if it was the first round of Bible Jeopardy.
Fast forward to being an adult and getting baptized. I read the Bible from beginning to end. I listened to the pastor when he spoke of the evils of the "New Age" movement and found myself getting shift eyed wondering if the other congregants would see my crystal necklaces and plan an exorcism.
Would it be a fast pass to hell?
Would I be opening myself up to dark things?
Would I be fooled into thinking that it was just some cards that meant nothing?
Many Christians do believe that the tarot cards are evil and rush to tell you this by way of spewing verses out like they are also a contestant on Bible Jeopardy looking to win the big prize of head Pharisee. Of course, they wouldn't see it that way.
At these times, I decided to see what I could find to figure out what the right answer was for me. I implore you to do the same. Don't take a blog post that I write as the final answer. Your spiritual path is going to be different than others.
As I did with crystal healing, I looked to the Bible. As well as determining what my intention is, should I begin to start working with Tarot cards.
Now I'm not going to start quoting the Bible here because I think if you do your research, read the Bible, and you will find the scriptures that show there have been many methods used in the Bible to seek to understand what God wants. It is a form of divination, but let's not get all frantic right now like I said that word, which many equate it to summoning evil spirits that it isn't. Tarot cards, specifically, are not mentioned in the Bible as they were invented until many, many years later. Before someone comes for me in a comment (that I'll most likely delete) let me say that you will find that casting lots, the three wise men following the star in the heavens to find the baby Jesus and to look to crystals on Aaron's breastplate was a common practice to find signs from God. Many believe that God talks to us in signs like a feather we find or the dream we had last night. I use Tarot as a tangible way of seeing messages and guidance that I'm seeking from God, and I also use it to sort out the energy around a situation. People, especially the religious ones, get a bee in their bonnet because they assume that you're doing work similar to that of a medium. Again, go through the Bible you'll find many mediums, those that channel information, like Noah, Moses, and Jesus. You should seek to get your information from God direct, not trusting the opinions of others. The point? Ask God and see the tarot cards as your Spanish to English dictionary. On a side note, how many people just flop open their Bible to a random page to see what God wants them to think about for that day? That's divination called Bibliomancy. And never look at your fortune in a Fortune Cookie ever again. Just sayin'. Back to the point, using Tarot Cards as the be-all, end-all truth that you should follow or use to make choices in your life, if you do that, then you have now found yourself a false idol to worship. And that I do not encourage. The same goes for crystals. Do not worship the items or allow them to take the place of God in your life. Reading Tarot should be considered a spiritual skill.
Christian References In Rider-Waite Tarot Cards
If you've never looked at a Rider-Waite tarot deck, you will find many religious parallels, and much of the Tarot symbolism is based on Christianity.
As far as I'm concerned, Tarot cards open your mind when you're looking for information. I know many say that you can use the cards to tell the future, which I disagree with. Here's why:
Everyone has free will.
God's in control.
While cards can show something that COULD happen based upon the current energy at that moment, there are many other things to consider that will lead to the outcome like extenuating circumstances and people's free will. The cards give you perspective on your situation or how you tend to react in situations if that's the way that you're working with the cards.
I liken Tarot Cards to having a conversation with a good friend who brings up another perspective you may not have thought of before. And when a friend brings up another way of seeing a situation, do you think "Oh NO! They must be talking to el diablo and looking to mess me up!"
Of course not.
Tarot is a tool. A knife is also a tool. You can use a knife to cut your food or use it to kill someone.
It's about how you use the tool, not the tool itself.
But I will say that you should not work with Tarot cards if you're scared of them. Fear puts you into a vulnerable position. You will attract that which you fear, so keep that in mind always.
Are Tarot Cards Evil Or Safe?
Tarot cards are safe as long as you see them as a tool or communication device. Like I said earlier, it depends on how you use the tool. If you're looking to do bad shit, you can expect to bring bad shit to your life as it is a tool. People and demons are the ones that carry bad energy and bring it around.
Tarot cards are objects that attract energy, as do the other objects you're in contact within your everyday life, as everything is energy. You should cleanse your deck when you first get it. You don't know who handled or created your deck and the energy they brought into that process.
Whether that's you burning sage, incense, or palo santo, or using selenite to cleanse by placing your deck on top of a selenite slab overnight, too.
Is this form of divination safe? Divination is a conversation with God, your spirit team, aka your higher self, where the spirit of God resides within us. I don't know of anything safer than having a conversation with God.
This is the key: that you seek to get messages from God and your spirit team. If you've asked for wisdom from God, then your intention has protected your reading.
What Are Tarot Cards Used For
One of the best ways to use Tarot cards is to tap into what your subconscious already knew, but you couldn't access it because you're filled with a bunch of mental chatter.
Of course, some will say that you cannot or should not read your own cards. I read my own cards, and I know some don't have the ability to read unbiasedly when it's for themselves. But you do you.
What can you do with Tarot cards?
Develop storylines or character development
Get a different perspective
Memory Aid
Developing your intuitive abilities
Get more information about a situation
You can use Tarot cards to focus on specific areas of life or get insight into a situation.
I use Tarot cards to see the week's energy in the Starseed Collective for the energies surrounding our community as we move forward. I also have done a 6-months spread because Tarot cards aren't for predicting the future.
I believe we live in a multi-dimensional universe. Sometimes the energies of the past, future or even the energies of a dimension where there is no space and no time (like Heaven) are available to tap into. Which means there is no past, and there is no future. All that was is and is to be, intermixed at times through portals.
That's a whole other conversation, but the energy of thoughts of others in our world out there is intermingling, and I think we can tap into that consciousness.
But if you're stuck in the 3D physical reality of this world, none of what I just wrote will make any sense to you.
We all know how accurate weather forecasters are... not very, but usually, they do get it right, whether it's going to be a sunny or rainy day. With Tarot Cards, you're able to have a tangible way to sense which way the wind blows if you get my drift.
With that forecast and additional information, we create the future with our choices.
How Tarot Cards Work
Tarot cards work by laying your cards, using your intuition, and God's wisdom to discern the cards' insight and message. If the reading is for someone else or a situation outside yourself, then you're tapping into that collective wisdom that flows out in the ether.
Some people read Tarot cards without studying the meanings in the book that comes with the desk.
If you're like me, you want to understand the basic meanings first and then build upon that information with your intuited meanings.
You will find that when you have your 'ride or die' deck, the one you connect with easiest, that you will start to connect your meanings to each card. For instance, when I see the "Wheel of Fortune" card, I do think of the opening intro to the TV game show "Wheel of Fortune."
And what happens on the "Wheel of Fortune?" You will probably win something; you may not. It's all up in the air, but you have the opportunity to win or change your luck.
As you begin to work more often with your cards, you'll start to make your connections to references that you understand that will help you build your meanings to the cards.
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Where To Start With Tarot Cards
The best place to start with Tarot cards is with a standard Rider-Waite-Smith (sometimes called Rider Waite) deck and a good book to tell you what the heck you're looking at.
Why don't I recommend starting with another deck that may be prettier or with newer energy? From my personal experience buying the Santa Muerte Tarot Deck (because of the imagery), I was so confused.
The book that came with the deck didn't give my beginner mind enough context to understand what I saw in the cards. And so I was stuck. I think it's a deck to work with after you learn the basics.
I think learning tarot is like learning a language. You learn words and what they mean, and once you do, you can put together your own story - which is what the goal with reading Tarot cards is to tell the story as you see it with the cards as they relate to each other.
Your deck will most likely come with its book, which may or may not be very in-depth. If there's not enough information and you want to learn even more, you'll probably enjoy getting a book. Just know that with any text written, the author's knowledge that they are sharing may not be complete or correct. It is right for them, and you may find that their thoughts and meanings don't resonate with you. You must always seek to figure out the true meanings.
If you want to start simply, grab my printable Tarot card meaning cheat sheet.
If you want to go more in-depth, grab a book to work along with the exploration of your deck.
A couple of books that I recommend are...
Here are a couple of decks that I recommend to start with...
Smith-Waite Centennial Tarot Deck (pocket-sized deck measures 2.25in x 3.75in.)
Radiant Wise Spirit Tarot Deck (larger deck measures 3.2 x 5 inches)
So And So Said Tarot Cards Are Evil
Well, good for them.
I wish the people who screech so loudly about how the tarot cards are evil would do some research that doesn't start with a biased blog post from a religious website.
As I mentioned earlier, Tarot cards aren't for predicting the future, which is the basis for the "no divination" rules in many religious texts. To practice divination, you are asserting that your power is more significant than God's
If your faith is weak and you do not trust that God has your back in whatever may come your way, you need to turn around and find your connection to God before you start fiddling with the Tarot cards.
What To Know Before Your Start Reading Tarot Cards
If you've decided that you're ready to learn, then you've set time aside once you've cleansed your first deck.
You will not pick up the skill of reading tarot cards via osmosis. You can choose to read the cards intuitively, by going through each card one by one and documenting your impressions of the cards. Or you can get a book, take a course and study them that way.
Just know that practice is KEY.
Start with a basic three-card spread and start to tell the story that answers the question you have asked.
Ask The Right Questions
Asking open-ended questions that start with 'What' and 'How' will help you tap into your intuition to see from a different perspective. Or general and clarifying questions.
Avoid asking future-telling questions, questions that you don't want the answer to, medical matters, and yes-or-no questions. Those are questions that you will find hard to answer, or you may get an answer you don't like that throws you into a tizzy.
Find A Go-To Spread
Pick a tarot spread that you like and work with it for a month, every day.
When you find a daily spread, such as a three-card spread, you will learn how to interpret the cards, how they relate to each other, and find the way forward.
I Hope That You Can See That Tarot Cards Aren't Evil...
They are a tool. How you work with this tool, or any other in your spiritual toolbox, is up to you.
Do your research, find a quiet spot, talk to God about it, and then decide how you want to move forward.