Alycia Wicker

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Get To Healing: How Clear Quartz Can Cleanse Your Soul

Are there some days where you just don’t feel like yourself? You can’t seem to put your finger on why but everything you do is off. Maybe it lasts longer than a day. It’s weeks or even months of feeling uneasy. Shit, let’s face it, the entirety of last year was stressful. No one is pointing fingers if you can’t seem to get out of the funk.

But you do need to get out of it.

There’s no need to invite the funk to crash on the couch, connect to the wifi and make itself at home. 

You’re going to need some backup. That’s where Clear Quartz makes a grand entrance. Twirling around the room like a disco ball at its first dance. Fresh bulbs and polished mirrors ready for a full dance floor. Eager to make magic happen.

Make way for the master healer. Yes, it’s really known by that. Makes you kind of excited huh? Good!

There are numerous ways Clear Quartz can take you from funk to fabulous!

Clear Quartz Crystal

Clear Quartz is a clear or sometimes opaque silicon-dioxide-rich stone. It’s basically made of oxygen and silicon atoms. And can be found all over the world. There are many different types of Quartz ranging in colors and benefits. Being the only see-through quartz some would argue it’s the purest and therefore the most powerful.

This stone was made to cleanse your soul. It’ll leave you feeling cleaner than a Jojo Siwa song.

Clear Quartz is known for its process of amplifying energy. It absorbs, stores, releases, and regulates it so that it is continuously working for you. This baby is diligent. It’s basically providing for you nonstop. Working to give you the most beneficial energy it possibly can. 

Clear Quartz gets right to business every time you use it. Digging down and pulling out all the negative bullshit you’ve been stepping in over and over. And it’s not afraid to call you out on it. It’s here to do a job and that’s what it’s going to do. How transparent — haha.

It’s great to use when you need to release the things that no longer serve you. Making room for new growth. It works best if you set your intentions with the stone each time. Because it absorbs so much, doing this will help the stones healing power get stronger with each use.

Also known as Crystal Quartz or Rock Crystal, this stone is often used in gifts to celebrate 10th anniversaries. That right there tells you how special it is. Yes,  technically diamonds are the official gemstone for the 10th anniversary. But if you’re going to have a strong runner up it doesn’t get better than this.

Clear Quartz Healing Properties

AAA Grade Clear Quartz Generator via LaBeatureCrystals on Etsy

This rock may look plain Jane, though it is anything but. Clear Quartz is a gentle yet potent stone. It coddles you as it takes hold of the energies surrounding you and harnesses them to their full potential. Amping up your energy tenfold.

A Clear Quartz crystal revitalizes your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual planes. Bringing you to the perfect inner balance. That’s why no matter how hectic things may get, once you begin working with a Clear Quartz you have cleared the path for smooth sailing.

If you’re having trouble with your mind Clear Quartz could be the answer to your problem. It helps steady your mind and helps you concentrate. It also unlocks memory. So not only are you focusing better but you may actually be remembering more things. Though some stuff — like that spring break in Cancun — is better left forgotten.

Clear Quartz also stimulates the immune system. I’m telling you, this is a full-body cleanse. Boost your immunity as it works with your body to clear out any sickness. It helps to balance you from head to toe inside and out.

Go ahead and lose the negativity that keeps dragging you down. This rock is ready to block that bitch and never look back. Then it gathers all the positive energy that will soon be bursting out of you and channels it where you need it most.

Fun fact: You can use Clear Quartz healing properties to cleanse and magnify the power in other crystals! Double or even triple their vibrations! You’ll definitely get more bang for your buck with Clear Quartz in your collection.

Disclaimer: The page contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I will earn a commission (at no additional cost to you). I only recommend products and services that I have found to be helpful and trustworthy. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. For more information, see my terms + conditions page here. Also, I’m not a doctor. The information on my website is derived from research, intuition, and tradition which may not be verified by scientific methods, nor advocated by government agencies such as the FDA. Nothing I say on this blog is intended to treat or prevent disease. Consult your own doctor.

Chakra & Abilities

Amplify Your Intentions Quartz Generators

Clear Quartz is associated with the crown chakra. Located at the top of your head, this chakra is your spiritual center. It’s the path to enlightenment, spirituality, and the connection to higher guidance.

When you work with Clear Quartz you are opening that path.

The crown chakra uses quartz to remove any blockage and assure you that your chakra is clear and spinning. You’ll feel your mind open up and probably feel freer than you have in a long time. 

It can also be used to align and activate all the chakras together.

Clear Quartz is all about healing and spiritual growth. It’s its passion. It loves it more than pimps love canes. And we are here for every minute of it!

It reaches deep down to the depths of your soul. Moving through your inner being healing everything on its route. Clear Quartz is an all-around soul cleanser. 

You can see how this rock is so in touch with our body, mind, and soul. It makes perfect sense that it relates to all the elements of the Earth. The well-roundedness of Clear Quartz wills it in perfect unity with nature.

It also works in unison with the beyond. A Clear Quartz crystal enhances the psychic ability of those who are blessed with it. This powerful light bringer opens the gateways we don’t see with our naked eye. Allowing you to be more attuned to receive messages from other realms or foresee something in the future’s path. 

What To Do With Clear Quartz

And now, the moment you’ve been waiting for. Here’s how to force out that fucking fierce funk — say that 10 times fast. 

Working with Clear Quartz is fun and easy. 

Begin by setting your intention. Hold the quartz in your hands. Keep a positive mindset and be ready to accept its vibrations. Say a mantra out loud.

Here are some ideas to start with. You can build off of these:

  • “I will focus on what I can control and release what I can not”

  • “With the support of this crystal, I allow myself to become balanced and whole again”

  • “I set my intent to hone my psychic ability and strengthen it” 

  • “I surrender my emotions so with the help of this crystal they can be restored”

Really just whatever you feel inside of your soul. Set that intention. This is an important step to take each time you work with your stone.

After, place your stone where you need it the most. 

Your home is a great place to start. Place a Clear Quartz in a room you typically hang out in so that it fills the space with its energy.

Do you like to Netflix and chill? Then put it on a shelf in your living room so you can constantly soak up those positive vibes.

Prefer to Netflix and “chill”? Wink wink. Put a piece on your dresser to ensure your bedroom is filled with energy.

Maybe you’re more accustomed to Netflix and munch. Leave a piece on your kitchen window sill to feel its healing cleanse as you make a peanut butter and banana sandwich because you, my friend, are probably stoned. But, let me warn you to be careful by not placing it in a spot where it will beam the sun rays in and set your home on fire. Remember when those future jailbird kids used to set ants on fire with a magnifying glass? Same idea.

Place it in a shared workspace like an office, dorm room, or any spot tensions are high. This way your Clear Quartz will get to work purifying the atmosphere for everyone. Bringing a little more relaxation, peace, and even creativity into the room. What to know here is to NOT put it next to your computer because Quartz will magnify those bad EMFs coming off of your equipment which is so no bueno.

You can keep it in your pocket. That way the energy hangs with you all day. Every time you touch your pocket it will be a reminder that you are safe from all negativity.  

Clear Quartz Magician Pendant on Etsy - DoorwaysToPower

A great way to receive all this baby has to offer is to wear it in jewelry. When you keep it pressed against your skin you’re allowing maximum absorption. Once all toxicity is cleansed you’ll be protected. The vibrations from the Clear Quartz will then continuously surround you. This will keep that energy flowing harmoniously around your body. 

After use rinse (or you can soak it) with water, pat dry with a soft cloth and it’s ready for its next use. 

Clear Yourself With Quartz

Clear Quartz is ready to lift you from the funk, clear away the fog, and blast your ass with healing vibrations. I know you’re ready!

Begin working with the master healer now to cleanse your soul and refresh your life.

You’re in for a real treat. My shop is packed with Clear Quartz. From tumbled to points. From obelisks to spheres. And tons in between — check out the sweet pendulum! – there is a Clear Quartz out there waiting for you. Follow your intuition.

Click “Shop By Crystal” at the top of the page and find Clear Quartz to begin your healing journey.